prop-618 — ITU propagation models for Earth-space telecommunications systems

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prop-618 (version 16, updated 2021 August 4)

(c) lloda 2019–2021

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prop-618 is a translation into code of [ITU-618] and other references given there and in this ITU table. It is written in Fortran and offers bindings to C, Python, and Guile.

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1 Overview

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1.1 Attenuation

The overall attenuation is

\[ A_T(p) = A_G(p) + \sqrt{(A_R(p) + A_C(p))^2 + A_S^2(p)} \]

Each component is ‘attenuation exceeded for \(p\) of an average year’

  • \(A_G\): atmospheric gases
  • \(A_R\): rain
  • \(A_C\): clouds
  • \(A_S\): tropospheric scintillation

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1.1.1 Atmospheric gases

The computation in FIXME requires pressure, temperature and humidity data for each layer of the atmosphere. In the absence of specific data, location-dependent reference data is provided in FIXMEand a generic mean global atmosphere is provided in FIXME

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1.1.2 Rain

A procedure to compute attenuation due to rain is given in FIXME. This uses the rain height map from FIXME, the average annual rainfall rate map from FIXME, and the specific attenuation coefficients from FIXME.

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2 Usage

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3 Extras

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4 Reference

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4.1 Module atmospheres

Python function: init ()
Guile function: init
C function: atmospheres_init ()
Fortran function: atmospheres_init ()
Python function: p835_ref (h)
Guile function: p835-ref h
C function: p835_ref (double const * h, double * P, double * rho, double * temp, int32_t * error)
Fortran function: p835_ref (h, P, rho, temp, error)
    real(C_DOUBLE), intent(in) :: h                   ! geometric height (km)
    real(C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: P                  ! dry air partial pressure (hPa)
    real(C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: rho                ! water vapor density (g/m³)
    real(C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: temp               ! temperature (K)
    integer(C_INT32_T), intent(out):: error           ! error - 0 means none

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4.2 Module prop

Python function: init ()
Guile function: init
C function: prop_init ()
Fortran function: prop_init ()
Python function: p839_rain_height
Guile function: p839-rain-height
C function: p839_rain_height
Fortran function: p839_rain_height
Python function: p837_rainfall_rate
Guile function: p837-rainfall-rate
C function: p837_rainfall_rate
Fortran function: p837_rainfall_rate
Python function: p1510_temp
Guile function: p1510-temp
C function: p1510_temp
Fortran function: p1510_temp
Python function: p838_coeffs
Guile function: p838-coeffs
C function: p838_coeffs
Fortran function: p838_coeffs
Python function: p618_rain
Guile function: p618-rain
C function: p618_rain
Fortran function: p618_rain
Python function: p676_vapor_pressure
Guile function: p676-vapor-pressure
C function: p676_vapor_pressure
Fortran function: p676_vapor_pressure
Python function: p676_gas_specific
Guile function: p676-gas-specific
C function: p676_gas_specific
Fortran function: p676_gas_specific
Python function: p676_eq_height
Guile function: p676-eq-height
C function: p676_eq_height
Fortran function: p676_eq_height
Python function: p676_gas
Guile function: p676-gas
C function: p676_gas
Fortran function: p676_gas
Python function: p840_Lred
Guile function: p840-Lred
C function: p840_Lred
Fortran function: p840_Lred
Python function: p453_Nwet
Guile function: p453-Nwet
C function: p453_Nwet
Fortran function: p453_Nwet
Python function: p840_clouds
Guile function: p840-clouds
C function: p840_clouds
Fortran function: p840_clouds
Python function: p618_scint
Guile function: p618-scint
C function: p618_scint
Fortran function: p618_scint
Python function: p1511_topoh
Guile function: p1511-topoh
C function: p1511_topoh
Fortran function: p1511_topoh
Python function: p836_rho
Guile function: p836-rho
C function: p836_rho
Fortran function: p836_rho
Python function: p836_V
Guile function: p836-V
C function: p836_V
Fortran function: p836_V

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5 Sources

[ITU-618]ITU-R P.618-13: Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of Earth-space telecommunication systems., April 2019.

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  1. ra:: uses the non standard #pragma once (supported on all major compilers).
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